One of the most useful macOS utilities is Bartender, an app that lets you hide and show icons in the menu bar on the right side of your display. It helps manage lots of different icons if you have a ton of apps installed. It makes cleaning up your menu bar a breeze. With macOS Big Sur, Apple made it easy to add and remove items from the new control center to the menu bar. If you want a display button in the menu bar, just drag it out of control center. If you want to remove it, just drag it out. Apple should extend this to third-party menu bar icons natively.
The Windows Taskbar lets you access frequently used and currently open apps. It can also be tweaked to work the way you want. You can move it to other sides of the screen, automatically hide it when you don't need it, change the size of the icons, and more. Here's how.
Macos Put Apps As Floating Icons
Once you upload your image, the application will do its magic and create cutouts of your wallpaper that work as invisible placeholder icons. These placeholders are the pieces you use to create spaces between apps and reformat your layout. 2ff7e9595c